Bombas pozo profundo

09Dec 2022
bombas centrífugas monobloc horizontal

When buying centrifugal pumps, from Hidráulicas HMT Barcelona we want to inform you of the different types of centrifugal pumps that are available depending on your needs. They are the following. Types of centrifugal pumps Firstly, there are the FV-SS vertical multi-cells which are characterized by being centrifugal pumps made of stainless steel material. We […]

25Oct 2022
bomba pozo profundo en Barcelona

If you are wondering which the best well pump is, in the following guide we review the best options. At Hidráulicas HMT we have a team of experts and the leading solutions in terms of hydraulic pumps. Discover it The best pump for deep well in Barcelona. When talking about the best pump for a […]